In addition to the activities described above in the company profiles, within the paid ads on LinkedIn, HUBER+SUHNER offers a contact form, which you can use to send us personal data so that we can provide you with information about the products and services of HUBER+SUHNER.
The data transmitted to us in this way will be stored in our CRM system and used to send you the aforementioned information by e-mail. For information on how HUBER+SUHNER processes data, please refer to our general data protection statement.
Joint Controllership is held by the
LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Wilton Place, Grand Canal Square 24
Dublin, Irland
The privacy notices of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company can be found at:
Joint Controllership is held by the
LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Wilton Place, Grand Canal Square 24
Dublin, Irland
The privacy notices of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company can be found at:
LinkedIn Privacy PolicyJoint Controllership is held by
Google Ireland Limited,
Gordon House, Barrow Street
Dublin 4, Irland
The privacy notice of Google Ireland Limited can be found at:
Joint Controllership is the
New Work SE,
Strandkai 1
20457 Hamburg, Germany
he privacy notice of New Work SE can be found at:
Joint Controllership is held by
for users within the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland:
Tencent International Service Europe B.V.
Buitenveldertselaan 1-5
1082 VA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
for users outside the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, Switzerland or mainland China:
WeChat International Pte. Ltd.
10 Anson Road, #21-07 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
The joint privacy notice of Tencent International Service and WeChat International Pte. Ldt. can be found at: