Embracing diversity with people and products

Written by 

Mael Adler

Trainee Corporate Communications

With around 4 500 employees in 39 locations and 21 countries worldwide, HUBER+SUHNER is a global company. We are convinced that diversity is a key success factor and that different perspectives are an enriching and creative source for our business. This helps us to develop innovative products and better solutions for customers. We promote diversity, consistently advocate for equal opportunities, and offer attractive and flexible jobs for a variety of  work and life models. With April and May being the global and European Diversity month respectively, we celebrate our team composed from many corners of the world. 

Imagine: You are travelling by train, scrolling through your social media feed. As the train arrives at your destination, you put away your phone, disembark, leave the platform, and exit the train station. A rather mundane scenario, no? But just ask yourself about the technology needed for bringing you safely from one place to the next. What if several of the connectivity solutions necessary for this trip come from one company, namely from HUBER+SUHNER? What kind of a company do you envision? And understanding that our solutions and product portfolio is going far beyond a train ride, there must be a lot of innovation power around. In general, we help our customers connect people by connecting things. Our products offer connectivity solutions for three markets: industry, communication, and transportation. This kind of diversity in solutions and products requires a certain diversity of people and skills who innovate, test, produce, market, and sell these goods. 

Diverse company with a traditional background

So, where does HUBER+SUHNER come from? Our roots stem from two family-owned Swiss organisations, both founded in the 19th century. What started as a cotton mill in Pfäffikon and a machine workshop in Herisau, transformed into a global company with a diverse repertoire of connectivity solutions that make our lives go, every day. After the founding of HUBER+SUHNER in 1969, the product focus was on cables, cable systems, and communication transmission technology. But the company continuously adapted and complemented its application, solution and product range. As a global company with roots in Switzerland, HUBER+SUHNER was compelled to expand with international additions to its portfolio. Simply put, a global presence asks for various locations, with diverse people in order to understand the markets, their challenges, as well as their needs. Therefore, the structure of the now global company needed to be diversified.  

Today, our Code of responsible business conduct ensures equal opportunity and treatment for all employees to prevent discrimination based on ethnicity, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, as well as union membership, sexual orientation, physical limitation or age. The employment of our employees is based exclusively on personal and professional qualifications, suitability and performance.

An enriching resource

To revisit this year’s International Women’s Day theme, we embrace not only equality, but also equity. Equity recognises that each individual has different circumstances and requires specific resources and opportunities to reach their best performance. For this reason, we at HUBER+SUHNER ensure that our employees’ individual career needs are met in order for everyone to reach their individual goals. Take our colleague Eva Bachmann, for instance, who plays professional football in the highest league in Switzerland. Meeting her particular needs in her role as a learning and development expert is a key factor so that she is able to pursue her career at HUBER+SUHNER, as well as on the soccer field. Some of our employees are role models for the development opportunities in the company. Sandro Tobler, who started as a mechanics apprentice at HUBER+SUHNER 20 years ago, is now working as Vice President of Fiber Optics Technology & Operations. By meeting our colleagues’ individual needs, we at the same time foster and increase our diversity.

If you want to find out more about our people and culture, check out our Jobs and careers site.

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